Online Drawing Workshops
ONLINe drawing workshops
These guided, practical workshops will explore a range of drawing skills and techniques to help develop your drawings.
They will be stand-alone workshops so you can drop in and out depending on your interests, but also designed to build a wide set of skills and experience overall.
Hatching and Cross-Hatching online workshop
Thursday 15th February 2024, 7-9 p.m. (UK)
In this online workshop we'll explore the effective technique of Hatching and Cross Hatching, which can instantly add tone to your drawing to help it look more three-dimensional.
Exploring negative space online workshop
Thursday 22nd february 2024, 7-9 p.m. (UK)
Learn how to see and draw negative space to improve the accuracy of your drawings.
How the workshops will work
Each one will take place via zoom and be 2 hours long with a mix of practical exercises, demonstrations and time to practice and develop your skills.
Each workshop costs £15 (non-refundable).
I will send you the zoom link and materials list nearer time. The materials list will mainly consist of things you probably already have!
Click on the links below to book.